Yesterday, I did not post, as it was my day of rest…
well these days most are days of rest. But, I literally took a 5-hour nap
again, after returning home from church services. Today, Monday, most of the
people I know are back at their jobs, frantically trying to keep up with their
work, wishing it was still yesterday. I am not saying their days are not
difficult, but I long for days of being productive, one of many reasons why I
started to blog. We all need a
purpose, although many of us serve the majority of our day(s) in “jobs” that do
not fulfill them. If only we knew when we were young, what we know now, what
direction would we have taken? Well, as far as I know, we cannot turn back
time, so what now?
So many say, if you do a job you love you will never
work a day in your life. How many can truly say that is true for them, to have
been fortunate enough to know how important that was when we were young? Now, more than ever, at least in OUR
lives’ history, people work longer harder hours in jobs they despise, or worse
- desire to have any job, even one they despise.
How do we dig out of our holes… or are they holes?
Remember without the bad, we would not recognize the good as anything other
than the norm. What do we do with our lives, how can we evoke change, in today’s
economic peril. One way I have coped in the past, is to somewhat
departmentalize things, not easy, I know. But, if you are in a job that is not
your dream, focus on the fact that it is your job, a means to provide
sustenance, not your dream.
When you are not at your “job” evaluate yourself, your
life, your dreams, and how you might work toward changing things for the
better. It is difficult to give examples as all situations, as well as people
are so varied. But for me, about 6 years ago, I decided to go after my dream,
one that had been buried for many years while I worked to provide for my
family… Art. I had gotten to a place in my life, that fortunately I had the
means to pursue the education for a few years before I would have to take
another “punch the clock” type of job. But knew that would be okay, because I
would have my art on the side, and with favor, possibly as a career someday.
Well my cancer journey interrupted that path, as we all encounter obstacles
along the way. I spent many years in self-pity, feeling my dreams were now lost
to me forever. But they aren’t, I simply have to adjust them to fit into my new
life style. Painting, was my main love. However, with some physical
restrictions, it is difficult to do these days, even though I know of many with
more restrictions than me that paint with great passion. But for me, I try to
find outlets that allow me to create something of minimal expense, anything
meaningful, mostly small gifts for loved ones. As even old talents (crochet,
knitting, and such) take much longer for me these days, my projects have become
smaller, but still fulfilling.
I know there is only so much time in a day, and only
so much money to go around, but as the old saying goes, “Where there is a will
there is a way”. I never thought I would be “writing”, as I am by no means a
professional writer. But I have been praying for God to show me my purpose, now
more than ever; Asking him to hit me over the head, if needed, to get me to recognize
his purpose for my life. Well a
week ago, I was sitting outside, thinking, pondering, mind wondering in all
directions, as I do often, and I found myself grammatically correcting my
thoughts. Yes, very odd. I know I am odd, but that was so strange to me, I took
it as a sign, whether it was or not. I believe intuition is more than just
chance intuition. So here I am blogging.
I still pray, asking for guidance, but oddly enough, I feel what I am
doing is now part of my purpose, as I do not feel as empty as before, since I
started blogging. Maybe it is not my purpose, but God’s gift to me to pacify my
need until I discover it ???
So, I suppose my advice, if wanted, is to first self
evaluate, searching inside, outside, your past, your present, and through God,
to try to discover your next step. Don’t look at the end of the dream, as many
obstacles (opportunities to learn) will come up along the way, altering your
path. Go with your intuition while not letting go of common sense, such as your
need to provide food and shelter. I don’t think many, if any, have survived moving to an
island and living off coconuts in a grass hut. Meshing reality with dreams is
difficult, but it is better than living in a hole.
May you have a blessed fulfilling day.
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